The National Trust commissioned us to deliver a cohesive visitor journey throughout Lindisfarne Castle. The challenge was to narrate the story of its inhabitants whilst aligning it to a contemporary artist’s installation.
We updated the Lindisfarne visitor journey interpretation with for 2024. This included a new layer which focussed on the architect Edwin Lutyens who was commissioned to redesign the castle in the early 1900s.
This took the form of several ‘workstations’ around the castle which focussed on the different stages of the work. We worked with he curatorial team to source vintage tools, props and archive materials for display at each of these points. Sketches and prints were printed on various materials including canvas, counter-weighted and hung from existing fixings points such as shelves.
We also created a trail which took Lutyen’s signature spectacles as a device to follow around the castle. This indicated where intervention by Lutyens was undertaken and also included a series of ‘glass’ panes which have sketches of the space as seen by Lutyens as he redesigned the castle. (He was know to carry a pane of glass around with him to sketch in real life using soap as a medium).
“We have received no end of positive comments from visitors. Collaborate helped us to develop and weave a rich narrative through a number of spaces, adding a beautifully presented interpretative layer to our visitor offer.”
— Laura Knowles, The National Trust